Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Just So We're Clear...

...I'm not saying that Jason Goff, Sarah Spain, and Steve Rosenbloom are involved in some sordid love triangle that may or may not also include bestiality. I'm just saying that it's "awfully convenient" that all three of them made dark insinuations about Tyrus Thomas' flu without a scintilla of evidence.

Of course, just as Ockham's razor might suggest that, lo and behold, Tyrus Thomas actually had the flu, one might also deduce that these three are just terrible journalists.


Anonymous your friendly BullsBlogger said...

Don't forget KC Johnson and John Jackson, actual pro beat writers.

5:09 PM  
Anonymous DLRoth said...

that really pissed me off too. it's a symptom of the 24-hour news cycle/talk radio/blogosphere shitstorm. sometimes people actually get sick.

1:13 AM  

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