The Army You Have?
By doing so, they are essentially committing to the belief that this core (Gordon, Deng, Hinrich and, to some extent, Nocioni) is good enough to contend for an NBA Championship, low post scorer be damned. Whatever parts they add in the future can only really be complimentary players like Joe Smith, who just take up the MLE. Personally, I'm okay with this: While a consistent low post scoring presence is obviously nice, I don't think it's absolutely vital to win a championship. (Obviously the Bulls teams of the 90s proved this, and the Jordan outlier aside, I think the more recent Piston teams have also demonstrated this. While Sheed is a nice low post presence, he does as much, if not more, damage from the three point line.)
In any event, I was initially going to end this post by posing a question to readers whether they agreed with the commitment that this core (and this core alone) can compete for the championship--hence, my Rumsfeldian title--but this astute, forward-looking post from Only the Bulls illustrates that my sense of utter finality should be tempered somewhat. As MrBerg notes:
Paxson hedged his faith by setting up a failsafe during the 2009 offseason. If it becomes clear that the team simply isn't cutting it, Paxson has the massive expiring contract of Big Ben and still some pieces with potential/value.
It's a very shrewd point in a very shrewd post, and I suggest you read the whole thing.